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The incoming hot weather can make any living thing cower to the nearest shade available. Your shirt sticking to your back because of sweat has got to be one of the most uncomfortable feelings out there. Not to mention, the heat can cause dehydration and heat strokes. It’s always a good idea not to prolong your exposure to the sun and to stay in the shade as much as possible, especially if you’re a mom-to-be. Although a bit of sun is good for you and your little one inside the womb, be extra mindful of the amount of sun you’re getting. Alliance ObGyn & Consultants LLCoffers the following activities for our mommies out there who want to do something for the incoming hot weather:

  1. Treat yourself to a spa day
    The heat can be stressful for anyone. To de-stress, why not go to your local spa and just spend the day unwinding? You will not only be pampered like a queen, you’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated after. Before going in, make sure that you’ve consulted your doctor and the spa attendant about your pregnancy.
  2. Lounge around in your pajamas and watch a movie or two
    If you don’t feel like going out, stretch out on your sofa or bed, make some popcorn and watch a movie or two. There’s nothing quite like isolating yourself from the outside world and just spending the day all by yourself. You don’t even have to take a bath or comb your hair! Now, that’s what we call relaxing.
  3. Take a quick dip at the pool or beach
    If the weather is so hot that it’s almost stifling, a quick trip to the pool or the beach is the best way to go. It will immediately help you cool down and the water’s going to feel amazing on your skin. If you’re not really in the mood to go out, drawing a bath is the next best thing. Light some scented candles, put some bath salts—that are safe for you, of course—and enjoy. Another tip: Bring a good book for more fun bubble bath.
  4. Make ice pops and other frozen desserts
    If you’re craving for something cold and delicious, there are hundreds of recipes online. Not only are they accessible, a lot of them have instructions that are easy to follow. Although you can’t immediately eat whatever you made—since you have to freeze them for a couple of hours—the wait will be totally worth it. Try making those frozen desserts when you’re not craving for them yet, so when the time comes that you’re in need of one, all you have to do is to just open your fridge!

The activities mentioned above are just several out of hundreds of activities that you can do to beat the heat. However, Alliance ObGyn & Consultants LLC advises you to always consult with your doctor first before doing any sort of activity. What are other activities that soon-to-be moms can engage in? Share them in the comments section below! If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 856-320-5069. Know more about us through this link:

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